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Agroecology for the more-than-human Anthropocene: Xylella fastidiosa and the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome in Apulia, Southern Italy 

This project aims at bringing together local farmers, social scientists and natural scientists, to form a transdisciplinary research collective able of looking at both the socio-economic as well as the ecological factors that play a role in the Xylella fastidiosa epidemic in Southern Italy. Students with a natural sciences background and some interest in social sciences are especially encouraged to apply. Speaking Italian or any other Latin language (Spanish, French, Portuguese) is a plus.

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Digital technologies and indigenous ontologies: friends or foes? 

This project aims at exploring the challenges and opportunities of the use of modern digital technologies for and by indigenous peoples. While so far critical social sciences have mostly stressed the dangers of acritical adoption of digital technologies in whatever field, we aim at exploring the following question: Is there any fundamental philosophical – epistemological, ontological, etc. – limitation to the appropriation of digital technologies by indigenous groups?

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If you are interested in doing your thesis/internship on any of these topics, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..